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Teachers Retirement System

TRS Statement on Russia Holdings

In response to concerns raised about the impact of the war in Ukraine and associated geopolitical events on the security of the TRS pension trust fund, we want to reassure members their retirement funds remain secure. With approximately 0.2% of the $200 billion pension fund invested in Russia, TRS made adjustments in the weeks leading up to the conflict and continues to watch for opportunities to further safeguard your funds. We will comply with any regulatory or governmental directives regarding our holdings, including divestment.

How much does TRS have invested in Russia?
As of 2/25/2022, 0.2% of the trust fund was invested in Russia.

Will the ongoing war in Ukraine destabilize the TRS pension trust fund and jeopardize my annuity?
The TRS pension fund is built to withstand volatility over the long term. Rest assured that your investment team carefully invests in a broad range of asset categories designed to help the fund withstand changing political situations and market fluctuations.

What actions is TRS taking to minimize damage to the pension trust fund?
TRS continues to monitor developments and comply with any regulatory or governmental directives with regard to pension fund holdings. Market restrictions effectively prevent TRS from taking further action at this time. We are evaluating ways to optimize the long-term value TRS can obtain from its holdings in Russia.