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Teachers Retirement System

2020-21 TRS-ActiveCare Transition to BCBSTX

The Pulse, February 2020

Beginning Sept. 1, 2020, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) will serve nearly 1,100 TRS-ActiveCare school districts,
plus half a million employees and their families across Texas.

At its Feb. 21, 2020 meeting, the TRS board selected BCBSTX to serve as the new health plan administrator for TRS-ActiveCare medical benefits. The contract will take effect Sept. 1, 2020. TRS strives to maximize the value of every health care dollar and this includes competitively bidding our contracts to ensure you and your family receive the highest value health benefits. BCBSTX’s competitive financial offer is projected to save the program up to $300 million over three years.

BCBSTX previously administered the program at its start in 2004 through 2014 when Aetna won the contract. Aetna will serve TRS-ActiveCare through Aug. 31, 2020. They have worked for TRS members and retirees at different points over 30 years, and we thank them for their service and partnership. Even with our longstanding relationship, our members’ health care is our top priority and re-establishing with BCBSTX allows us to offer greater value to our members while sustaining TRS-ActiveCare.

What Factors Contributed to this Decision?

BCBSTX made a strong commitment to support TRS in building primary care-based health care delivery and increasing the value of TRS-ActiveCare. Their negotiated provider rates offer greater savings to the program and its participants, and they have a broader network, thereby improving access to health care services for public school employees, and their families. Not only does BCBSTX’s robust provider network have deep roots in the Texas health market, most TRS-ActiveCare participants’ current providers are in the new network, which you’ll be able to check on BCBSTX’s provider search tool by annual enrollment this summer.

We recognize that affordability is a concern for TRS-ActiveCare, and we’re committed to improving the program so that it offers the highest value to school districts and families across Texas who access health care each day. We know that school districts use benefits to recruit top talent in education and that the cost of coverage is at the forefront of their minds. Through strategies such as re-procuring health care services, our goal is to make TRS-ActiveCare the clear choice of health program for Texas school districts, their employees, and families.

What Does this Mean for You?

  • ID Cards: You can continue to use your Aetna medical ID cards through Aug. 31, 2020. BCBSTX will issue you a new one.

  • Providers: You’ll be able to check BCBSTX’s online provider search tool by annual enrollment this summer.

  • Undergoing care: If you or someone on your plan will be undergoing care or will be pregnant over this change, we’ll coordinate with them on a transition of care plan.

  • HMOs: The TRS board will consider rates, benefit and contract changes to the HMOs serving certain regions of the state at the April 16–17, 2020 meeting.

  • 2020-21 Rates & Benefits: With the new contract, we’re developing rates and benefits for the upcoming school year and will present them to the TRS board for approval at the April 16–17, 2020 meeting. We’ll communicate this information to school districts and through our website and digital health newsletter, The Pulse for TRS-ActiveCare, following the board meeting.

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