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Teachers Retirement System

TRS Member Education Videos

​​​​Welcome to the Member Education video series. These videos are intended to provide answers and information to the most commonly asked questions about TRS member pension benefits. If you are a new, mid-career, late career or a retired member, you’ll find something useful in each video. During the course of your career and into retirement, it’s important to know your benefits. Staying in touch with TRS and understanding your benefits will pay off in the long run.​

Go to the TRS Member Education Video Series
Intro to TRS Presentation
Employment After Retirement
Retirement Readiness: Early Career
Retirement Readiness: Mid Career
Navigating the Steps to Retirement
How to Establish Your My TRS Account
Understanding Your Member Statement
Selecting a Retirement Benefit Option
What Tier Am I?
Disability Retirement
Naming a Beneficiary
Purchasing Service Credit
Requesting a Refund
Survivor Benefits
Need Help? Learn About TRS Services
Member Education Video Series Promotional Posters