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Teachers Retirement System

Divorce and Domestic Relations Order (DRO)

In many divorces, the court will order that retirement plan benefits be divided between the spouse who participates in the retirement system and the spouse who is not a participant.

  • The purpose of a domestic relations order (DRO) is to allow TRS to pay the spouse or former spouse directly as an alternate payee.

  • TRS cannot issue a payment directly to an alternate payee, even if the court awards an interest in the participant’s retirement plan benefits to the alternate payee, unless the court enters a DRO.

  • TRS must also determine the DRO to be a "qualified" domestic relations order (QDRO).

  • Approval (or qualification) of a DRO by TRS ensures that the alternate payee will receive the portion awarded by the court at the appropriate time (usually, after TRS begins distributions to the participant).

  • Although a judge signs a DRO, it is TRS that determines whether that order is qualified.

Helpful Topics

The following topics may be helpful for participants and spouses,  former spouses of participants, or their attorneys, in a divorce proceeding.

Explanation of the Model Domestic Relations Order
TRS Model Domestic Relations Order for Active Members
TRS Model Domestic Relations Order for Retirees
TRS 629 - Verification of Social Security Number for Qualification of a Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) Form
TRS 629I - Omitting Social Security Numbers from Domestic Relations Orders (Instructions)