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Teachers Retirement System

2023 TRS-Related Legislation Summary

​​​​​​88th Regular Legislative Session

TRS follows a collaborative process in responding to the needs of the legislature by involving all departments at TRS. Strong working relationships are developed with all stakeholders and maintained in providing cost estimates and impact statement analysis for agency bill assignments. TRS is prohibited by law from advocating or influencing legislative action or inaction. During the 88th Regular Legislative Session, a total of 8,345 bills and joint resolutions were filed. Of those, 1,246 passed the legislature. The following list summarizes prominent TRS-related legislation.

HB 1 – General ​Appropriations Act

  • Includes funding for state contribution rate increases to the TRS Pension Trust Fund per SB 12 (86R): 8.25% for FY 2024 and 8.25% for FY 2025.
  • Maintains the 1.25% state contribution and the 0.75% district contribution to TRS-Care.
  • Provides one-time appropriation of $588.5 million to keep the average premium rate increase in TRS-ActiveCare below 10%.
  • Includes a new rider relating to high-cost hospital claims directing TRS to engage a third-party vendor to conduct a review of hospital claims of TRS-Care and TRS-ActiveCare enrollees that exceeded $100,000 during FY 2022.
  • Includes a new rider that authorizes TRS to expend additional funds and employ additional employees upon a finding of fact by the board that additional resources are necessary to open an additional regional office. The board shall notify the Legislative Budget board (“LBB") and the governor no later than 30 business days after such a finding.
  • Includes a new rider relating to legal counsel that directs TRS to confer with the LBB before approving any settlement sought by TRS with its outside legal counsel contracted in FY 2023 and FY 2024 for health care related claims and litigation.
  • Includes a contingency rider for benefit enhancements: $1.645 billion for the stipend and $3.355 billion for the COLAs. The appropriation of $3.355 billion is contingent upon voter approval of HJR 2 in Nov. 2023.
  • Maintains other existing riders, including: updated actuarial valuation; intern exemption; settle-up dollars are to be directed to TRS-Care; GASB implementation, TRS is to incentivize members of TRS-Care and TRS-ActiveCare to shop for lower cost care within health plans to achieve shared savings; an exception to the FTE limitation is permitted with a board fiduciary finding and a report to the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) and the governor.

SB 10 and HJR 2 – Benefit Enhancements

Senate Bill (SB) 10 and House Joint Resolution (HJR) 2 were passed to provide two types of benefit enhancements to eligible annuitants.

Stipends, regardless of annuity amount, to be paid in late September​ 2023:

  • A one-time $7,500 stipend to eligible annuitants who are 75 years of age and older.
  • A one-time $2,400 stipend to eligible annuitants age 70 to 74.
  • Annuitants must meet the qualifying age on or before Aug. 31, 2023.

Cost-Of-Living-Adjustments to be paid in Jan. 2024 if HJR 2 is approved by Texas voters in the November 2023 election:

  • 2% COLA for eligible retirees who retired between Sept. 1, 2013 through Aug. 31, 2020.
  • 4% COLA for eligible retirees who retired between Sept. 1, 2001 through Aug. 31, 2013.
  • 6% COLA for eligible retirees who retired on or before Aug. 31, 2001.

For more information, please visit the 2023 TRS Retiree Benefit Enhancements webpage. Here, you can find frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the one-time stipends and COLAs, important upcoming dates, and helpful links to additional resources.

TRS Specific Laws

SB 1854 relates to optional group benefits for dental and vision care under the Texas Public School Employees Group Insurance Program.​

Requires an optional vision and dental benefit for TRS retirees who are eligible for TRS-Care; they do not have to be currently enrolled in TRS-Care. Premiums paid by participants would cover costs of benefits and administration with no impact on the TRS-Care fund. There will be an annual enrollment for retirees to elect coverage. It does not present a special enrollment event for retirees to return to TRS-Care health plans if they previously terminated that coverage. TRS will competitively procure contracts for these plans and will offer coverage by Jan. 1, 2025. TRS will communicate with retirees eligible for coverage in advance of the coverage start date.  

HB 4141 relates to a study conducted by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas on the feasibility of offering alternative service retirement benefits to peace officers who are members of the retirement system.

Requires TRS to conduct and deliver a study to the legislature on offering peace officers covered by TRS alternative service retirement benefits. An employer who employs peace officers shall submit information to TRS. Study due by Dec. 31, 2024.​

New Laws Impacting TRS and Other State Agencies

SB 1246 relates to authorized investments of public money by certain governmental entities and the confidentiality of certain information related to those investments.​

As it relates to TRS:

  • Provides TRS flexibility from statewide procurement and contracting requirements that would put TRS at a competitive disadvantage.
  • Clarifies TRS' investment authority by defining securities under the law to include interests in wholly-owned real estate title-holding corporations controlled by TRS and reinforces certain information relating to real estate investments are subject to public disclosure.
  • Provides that the TRS Board of Trustees is to set the limit on hedge fund investments.
  • Allows TRS and the Texas Comptroller's Trust Company to directly enter into repurchase agreements 

HB 4990 relates to the Texas Pharmaceutical Initiative and a governing board and advisory council for the initiative.

Creates the Texas Pharmaceutical Initiative to provide cost-effective access to prescription drugs for certain groups, including TRS members, and to develop a business plan by Oct. 1, 2024. TRS to serve on the advisory council.​