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The Pulse - TRS Health Care News

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Pulse

Your Source for TRS Health Care News

June 2024

anti-inflammatory foods Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
You may have eaten too much salt, experienced a broken bone or suffered from an insect bite that caused swelling. While this type of inflammation is typically localized and temporary, there’​s another type of inflammation that can be far more serious, affecting the entire body. It’s called systemic inflammation.

woman working with physical therapist Musculoskeletal System
Your musculoskeletal system, or skeletal system, is your body’s biggest supporter. It gives your body shape and holds your organs in place. But it’s more than just that.

doctor holding red ribbon Sickle Cell Anemia
Our family history and DNA play a large role in our health and well-being. Genetic changes and traits carried by parents often appear in their children, even when they don’t have any symptoms of a genetic condition. Some conditions have a higher genetic link than others, like sickle cell disease.

bright sun with thermometer Summer Heat Safety Reminders
Toes in the sand. Picnics in the park. Swim lessons at the pool. Summertime means fun in the sun! But the sun can also be dangerous, especially with the high temperatures in Texas. Between heat-related illnesses and damaging sun rays, you'll want to take steps to protect yourself and your family this season.

annual enrollment period graphic Learn The Terms: Health Care Edition
Health care can be confusing – let us help you simplify it! Watch the full video or skip around to the terms you don’t know. These terms apply to all TRS health plans.

annual enrollment period graphic Get Ready for Annual Enrollment
It’s almost Annual Enrollment season! Ask your employer about specific dates for your district’s enrollment window, but get ready now by understanding your plan options. 

hands holding colorful cancer ribbonsWhat Cancer Screenings are Covered and The Importance of Screening
There are a lot of different kinds of cancers to be aware of as you age, and preventative screenings are important. Fortunately, your TRS-Care Medicare Advantage plan provides coverage for various cancer-related screenings and health care services.

woman in glasses holding magnifying glass over teethWhy You Should Prioritize Dental and Vision Screenings
When you hear about dental and oral health, you might just think of good-looking teeth. But the truth is, your total mouth health can offer clues about your overall health too. Many diseases can cause symptoms in your mouth. That means your dentist can spot certain health conditions before they become serious, like osteoporosis, diabetes, eating disorders and stress. 

Medicare just ahead road sign TRS-Care Medicare vs. Other Market Plans
TRS-Care Medicare plans offer important benefits not available through traditional Medicare and include rich pharmacy coverage. TRS-Care Medicare plan features also help protect retirees from uncertain medical and prescription costs and provide many wellness benefits.


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