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Teachers Retirement System

Disability Retirement

​As a member, regardless of your age or years of service credit, you may apply for disability retirement if you are mentally or physically disabled from the further performance of your duty, and your disability is probably permanent. The TRS Medical Board must certify your disability. To certify a disability, the Medical Board reviews information provided by the member and the member’s physician, along with clinical evidence such as medical history, diagnostic tests, and laboratory results.

  • If you qualify for disability retirement and have at least 10 years of service credit, you are entitled to a monthly annuity that is not reduced due to early age. 
  • If you have less than 10 years of service credit, TRS provides a monthly disability retirement benefit of $150 that is payable for the lesser of the number of months you have been covered by TRS, the duration of your disability, or your lif​etime.

Applying for Disability Retirement

Prior to Retirement
After Receiving Your Retirement Packet, Submit
Finalizing Retirement

Watch Video: Disability Retirement

Quick References

Applying for Disability Retirement
TRS Benefits Handbook
TRS 18 - Request for Estimate of Retirement Benefits Form***