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Teachers Retirement System

TRS-ActiveCare Moves to Regional Pricing

The Pulse, March 2022

Local Health Care. Texas-Sized Benefits.

TRS knows health care is personal, not one-size-fits-all. It changes as we age, shift lifestyles, or grow our families. It can even change depending on where we live and work. And just like gas or groceries, prices vary from place to place.

This is why TRS is moving to regional rating — to ensure your prices reflect the cost of health care in your area.

On Sept. 1, 2022, your TRS-ActiveCare rates will reflect where you work. The rates will be set during the April 29 TRS board meeting. Your materials about rates and benefits for the 2022–23 plan year will be available soon after.

TRS-ActiveCare Remains Stable and Texas Strong

The only change regional rating makes to your plan is how it’s priced. You can still access 90% of Texas hospitals and the network with the most doctors in Texas. And you don’t need to limit where you seek care. If you work in Region 1 but want to see a doctor in Region 2, you can!

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a big change, and we know you may have questions. Please see our list of frequently asked questions to learn more.

How Regions Were Determined

Regions were set by the 20 Education Service Centers (ESCs) in Texas. Your rate is based on the ESC of your employer. If you don’t know which ESC that is, review the TRS-ActiveCare participating districts by Eduction Service Center list(pdf).

Why Health Care Costs Vary Across Regions

The main reasons health care costs are different from place to place are:

  • Demographics of the local population
  • Type of care needed by the population
  • Number of doctors and hospitals in your area
  • How much local providers and hospitals charge for medical services

For example, if your region has a high rate of chemotherapy treatments, this could make the costs higher than a region where that service isn’t common.

Personal, Simple Health Care

Your TRS-ActiveCare benefits customize health care to your needs and help remove confusing barriers. You have access to things like:

  • 24/7 customer service through Personal Health Guides
  • Health advocates who can work directly with your doctors
  • One-on-one coaching to help you reach wellness goals
  • Copay plans so you pay a set amount for your medical visits
  • Zero-to low-cost telemedicine for care anytime, anywhere
  • And more!

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