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Teachers Retirement System

2021 TRS-Care Medicare Advantage Vendor Transition

The Pulse, February 2020

Beginning Jan. 1, 2021, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) will serve TRS-Care Medicare Advantage participants.

At its Feb. 21, 2020 meeting, the TRS board selected UHC to serve as the new medical plan administrator of TRS-Care Medicare Advantage, the plan for retired public-school employees and their families who have Medicare. TRS strives to maximize the value of every health care dollar and this includes competitively bidding our contracts to ensure you and your family receive the highest value health benefits. UHC’s financial offer will save the program $314 million over five years.

What Factors Contributed to this Decision?

UHC will bring a broad network of providers for the Medicare population, giving retirees a wider choice when choosing doctors to manage their care. In fact, 99% of the providers that TRS-Care participants use the most are in the network. UHC and TRS are both committed to ensuring that providers know that that the plan is still TRS-Care Medicare Advantage where participants can see any provider who accepts Medicare or will bill UHC.

In addition to UHC’s savings and broad network, they will also bring the extra benefits and services that you know today, including gym memberships and post-discharge meals, plus new ones such as routine chiropractic visits.

We will be hosting our annual health care info sessions across the state this fall, and starting this year, you can meet with UHC representatives and hear presentations from them. Look for your invitations in the mail this fall! Over the next several months, UHC will set up customer service lines and websites where you can find your plan materials and see which providers are in the network.

What Does this Mean for You?

  • ID Cards: You can continue to use your Humana medical ID cards through Dec. 31, 2020. UHC will issue new cards later this year.

  • Providers: You’ll be able to check UHC’s online provider search tool later this year.

  • Undergoing care: If you’ll be undergoing care over this change, we will coordinate with you on a transition of care plan.

  • 2021 Rates & Benefits: The 86th Texas Legislature appropriated $231 million to keep TRS-Care premiums the same through 2021, and the added savings from these contracts allows TRS to support this commitment.

  • TRS-Care Medicare Advantage Participants Can Continue to See Methodist Hospital

FAQs: 2021 TRS-Care Medicare Advantage Plan Administrator Transition

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