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Teachers Retirement System

TRS’ New Headquarters—a Responsible, Generational Solution for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas

Illustration of TRS’ Bravo building in Austin’s Mueller community
March 2024​ 

The pending and initial opening of TRS' new headquarters in Austin's Mueller community heralds an accessible, member-focused and financially responsible solution for our growing teacher pension fund. The decision to relocate outside downtown Austin is aimed at avoiding costly renovations to the existing 50-year-old headquarters and incurring costs associated with remaining in leased space nearby.   

The board's decision to purchase the new property should have no impact on the actuarial health of the pension trust fund.   

All or part of five TRS business units will have moved to the new campus by the fall of 2023 after completion of the first of two buildings (Alpha). We anticipate the remaining business units will move to the new campus when the second building (Bravo, pictured in the illustration) is ready by mid-2025, which includes an enhanced Member Experience Center for our member services. 

Background on New Headquarters
The Member Experience
Growing with Texas
The Move
Cost and Long-term Savings
How we got here
History of TRS facilities since the 1970s
TRS New Headquarters FAQs